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Design & coding of a custom landing page for an existing website

The project

This page was conceived as a separate advertising campaign on an existing (Russian) site. It was designed taking into account the already existing style of the site, it was not supposed to look like a separate attractive and stylish advertising page.

It was developed using manually created markup and styles and scripts organized into SCSS and TypeScript modules, compiled via webpack.

Implemented features

The webpack project

See the project on Github.


Figma design

The final design layout in Figma.
The final design layout in Figma.
Creating different styles of modal dialogs in figma.
Creating different styles of modal dialogs in figma.

The editable layout in the CMS editor

Page layout in the Yupe wysiiswyg editor.
Page layout in the Yupe wysiiswyg editor.

Real site appearance

Full page view.
Full page view.
Feeedback form popup dialog.
Feeedback form popup dialog.